Home Projects Vacations

Monday, June 23, 2008

How many tons have you moved?

As a do-it-yourselfer, I've moved a lot of materials over the course of my life. Sod, dirt, mulch, lumber, tile, bricks, brick pavers, cinder blocks, concrete, bags of grass seed and fertilizer, trees, shrubs, rocks, granite counter tops, toilets, appliances, furniture, water, etc. Even a hot tub. Twice.

Yesterday, while relaxing, I started to wonder how many tons of stuff I've moved. Consider this example - when we built our most recent house, we transported all the tile ourselves. At 55 pounds a box, it "only" took 37 boxes of tile to add up to more than 2,000 pounds or one ton. Now, consider we moved 50 boxes of tile three times (once onto carts in the store, once off the carts into the trailer, once out of the trailer into the house) just getting it to the house, you can see how quickly this can add up. That tile alone accounted for moving more than 4 tons (50 boxes X 3 moves X 55 pounds = 8,250 pounds).

Think about how much stuff you've moved - it adds up quicker than you might think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kinda hard to do the math especially if you own a moving company. But It'll be interesting to know just for record.