Home Projects Vacations

Homeowner? Do-it-yourselfer?
Consider trips to home improvement centers "getting out?"
You're not alone. We understand.

We're homeowners. We're do-it-yourselfers. Partially because we enjoy it and partially because we're broke. Now, when I say broke, I'm not talking pan-handling broke. I'm sure we're much like the rest of the home-owning world - just trying to keep the home nice without breaking the bank.

Are we looking for sympathy? Absolutely not.
Company? You betcha!

If it sounds like "we could hang" (isn't that what the kids are saying these days?), then by all means, take a look around! You'll probably be able to relate to our Gallery of Home Improvement Projects and Vacation Log. You can also enjoy (term used loosely) our general blather-just keep scrolling down.

Want to show you're own broke homeowner pride?
Get your very own Broke Homeowners gear!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Japanese Beetles

These things better be found to cure cancer or something else spectacular because they are a pain in the butt!